Decided to go out for a very leisurely stroll down to the woods. The weather was gorgeous, I had my new scrummy dress on that I had purchased at the Church Fate at a bargain price of £6. I was accompanied by with faithful friends, my dogs Frank and Marmite and Mr P's rival my canon 7d.
Ahh!! The slight mad moment, where I decided to lay down in the field and try and take a self-portrait without the aid of the trustee tripod. Well weather it be good or bad, I captured a moment that will help me remember all those good times when I am old and mad/madder.
and here is another, looks fun though doesn't it!!

One of the last of the dandelions for this year.
Next three photos are of the scrummy dress, as you can see I love it, going to go lovely when I get the van. Won't it Mr P?
Native American Pow Wow, beware!! Mrs P is bringing her scrummy dress to town.
When are you getting the van? I NEED to see photos of you sitting inside it wearing THAT dress :)) x