That bloody horsefly bite is driving me nuts.
Started the day with scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee. Then took Scruff for a walk through the woods. Jake wanted a chill day today, he didn't want to get in the car and go anywhere, so I said I would go into town and get something for dinner later, then we could just pop down the beach in the evening and watch the sunset.
Drove into town and parked and just wandered around, in and out of charity shops, nik nak shops and antique/vintage shops. One shop I went into had nothing but art deco, I had never seen so much stuff, some really stunning pieces of furniture and some gorgeous masks.
Another shop had all manor of things, the ceiling was covered in paper umbrellas, it also had rails of vintage clothes, mostly in very vibrant colours, this is where I bought a lovely lovely skirt, as lovely as my lovely lovely dress, you certainly won't miss me in a crowd.
I just like the simplicity of it.
Nature never ceases to amaze me.
That was then!
and this is now!
What a great Idea for using up your old wellies.
Shame most of the Little shops in this arcade had been hit by the recession.
This is the alley way where I found that lovely little shop, where I bought the lovely lovely skirt.
and this is the lovely lovely skirt!!
We headed off to the beach about 8.30pm to watch the sunset, the next set of Images is the sunset at various stages of it's decent
This very nice young man asked me to do up his wetsuit.
Jake with my old camera, hopefully he will get to love it.
And what should we see on our way home but the biggest and lowest moon I have ever seen, what a day!!
Night Night.